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Community Outreach

This continually evolving ministry at the Heights incorporates various ministry leaders including Evangelism, Youth, Women, Men, Public Relations, etc. The Safe Haven After School Program and Summer Camp also fall under this ministry. For info and registration for the SHCC Safe Haven, please contact us.

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This important ministry is designed to help members and visitors move closer to God through a systematic course of bible study. Classes are available for all ages, form toddlers through adults. Classes meet on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursdays each week. In the fall of each year, we offer a variety of study courses in a four to five week seminar series on Saturdays. Anyone desiring to be part of the Educational Staff must go through a course of training. The NTW also indirectly operates under this ministry at the Heights go through a course of training.

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This ministry, which works with the Benevolence ministry, is responsible for ordering setting up, and distributing food each Tuesday and Thursday. This ministry works in cooperation with the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

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This ministry is designed to strengthen marriages and families through practical and spiritual workshops and activities and to provide couples with fulfilling fellowship with other couples.

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This ministry is designed to produce online content for social channels. In addition, this ministry is responsible for the Live capture of church events, funerals, and other special programming. 

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This ministry is designed to provide men with resources and opportunities to rejuvenate and grow personally and spiritually closer to the Lord and each other through study, workshops, and retreats.

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A ministry works to fulfill the "Great Commission," and it's goal is to go into all the world to share the gospel on both a national and international level, meeting both spiritual and physical needs.

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Single people have their own unique needs as they strive to live Godly, moral lives in this world. This ministry provides singles with a means of fellowship via book clubs, retreats, social activities, as well as spiritual and personal growth by way of workshops, seminars, and other fulfilling activities and events.

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Senior Citizen

This ministry is designed to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of senior members, as well as members of our community. We provide fulfilling outlets and fellowship with other seniors.

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Sisters have special needs as they strive to meet the daily demands of being wives, mothers, career women, friends, support givers, etc. This ministry works to provide women with resources and monthly opportunities for personal and spiritual rejuvenation and growth.

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Youth Development (Toddler)

 This ministry is designed to help toddlers develop in a positive, nurturing Christian environment.

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Youth Development (K-12)

Our youth need direction, guidance and love. This ministry is designed to meet their needs as they strive to grow up in today's mixed-up world. This ministry offers a systematic program of workshops, retreats, social outings, etc. to help youth develop in a positive, nurturing environment.

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We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

773-568-2929, ext. 210

©2024 by Sheldon Heights Church of Christ

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